10 reasons to use Facebook in business.

Facebook has just surpassed the 400 million member mark, will continue to grow, and more and more people will see Facebook for business purposes.

For many new people on Facebook, at first glance, the site may seem frivolous, it wastes your time, and is not useful for a business.

Well, here are ten reasons why you need to be active on Facebook:

1. Meet your colleagues on Facebook.

Facebook is not a social network that has mostly teenagers. Its members are "older" (including me) and mature than in other social networks. The group of people with the highest growth is 25 to 40 years old ... and it is also worth explaining why that is good.

2. Find business contacts. They can tell you that Facebook has 400 million users and that is why it is great that you are there with your business, but what is your business in what language? I must assume that in Spanish, then what interests you is to know that there are 40 million Spanish-speaking people. What percentage of those people would be interested in what you offer, depends on your niche market ... but surely it will be a good number right? Then there are not only your personal friends on Facebook, there are your prospects, your consumers, your strategic allies, and of course ... your competition. Related article: What is your “Amiguera” Policy on Facebook?

3. Facebook opens doors immediately.

Most members on Facebook are open to connect. You can easily start a conversation with very successful (even famous) people who would otherwise be inaccessible. An example is the actor Vin Diesel who thanks to interact and not become "the star", his fan page is the third largest (7 million fans).

4. Build relationships on the internet and social networks.

By engaging in conversations with your prospects and consumers, you can better adapt your marketing and your products / services to your wishes and needs.

5. Increase your visibility and the visibility of your company with Facebook.

Being constantly and properly appearing, and publishing relevant information, can increase credibility and trust in you. I am not going to tell you how many do it, that you should position yourself as an expert if you are not, but if you can position yourself as someone knowledgeable in your industry.

6. Develop your personal brand on Facebook.

I say it this way because it sounds "marketing" but the terms don't matter, the thing is that you project a good image. Many say they don't want to share anything with strangers. If you are online for business, you must understand that the rules of the game have evolved. The line must be drawn between personal and private, not between personal and professional. Related article: Facebook: Personal, Professional and Private!

7. Segment your audience with Facebook.

Users openly share much of their information that you can access. This type of demographic characteristics, skills, preferences and tastes would have cost fortunes in the past.

8. Get good positioning on Google quickly with Facebook.

In addition to your Personal Profile, create a Fan Page specifically for your business. About your Personal Profile you can choose what information can be indexed by Google, Fan Pages are fully indexed by Google. Remember that Facebook has Alexa ranking # 2 (2nd most visited site in the world). For example, if you search on Google for “social media marketing consultant” my Fan Page will appear between the 1st and 5th place depending on your country.

9. Place segmented ads on Facebook.

With the Facebook Social Ads ads tool, you can test and “test” advertising to a well segmented audience at a very affordable cost.

10. You don't have to invest a lot of money to get traffic with Facebook.

Ads aside, Facebook is obviously free to use and with a regular strategy and activity you will have a considerable amount of traffic, more subscribers, more followers (fans) and more customers who buy!

If you still do not integrate and consider Facebook as an indispensable part of your internet marketing strategy, the idea is that you do it as soon as possible.

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