The importance of the logo - Web positioning blog, web design blog, graphic design blog
What importance can we attach to the logo?
A well-designed logo must meet three essential conditions: it must be appropriate, aesthetically pleasing and reflect the credibility of that company.
Appropriate: that the emblem reflects the main characteristic of the company or product in a simple way.
Pleasant: that it is acceptable without visual complications, because the most important factor to consider when designing is visual perception.
Credibility: that people identify themselves with the logo and that the guarantee seal of that company produces people's confidence in the product.
A logo must have two characteristics:
1. Be synonymous with the company or product it represents.
2. Penetrate people's minds as a selling agent.
1.- A well-designed logo is the business card of every company: when someone sees the logo of companies such as American Airlines, Microsoft, Toyota, etc. It does not give rise to conjectures about the type of company they are, or the activities they perform. Something similar happens in the militia. Each branch of the armed forces has its own logo and within each branch, the companies that make up each of them also enjoy their own logos. In this way each member can see the logo of the company to which a soldier belongs and immediately recognize their place of origin.
2.- When a company has an optimum quality product, it immediately generates demand within the consumer population. Consumers therefore look for the logo of the product or the production company on the objects they buy to ensure the brand they are acquiring. So we see companies like Benneton, Nike, Reebok, etc. They are concerned that their logo is on commercial ads, so that they are familiar to consumers and they in turn seek these stamps on their merchandise.
Why is the logo considered as a form of verbal communication?
Verbal communication is one that is done orally or in writing. When an idea emerges to the thought of a person, it communicates it by one means or another. In addition to verbal communication there are other nonverbal methods such as signs, colors, gestures, etc. The logo enters into non-verbal communication because it expresses for itself, in a word or an icon, the character of the above.
To create a logo that has the power to sell, you must first define the character of a company and its qualities, determine its goals and know what separates it from the competition. Then, all these elements must be transferred to an icon that helps achieve the company's objectives. For this it is essential that there is a symbiosis relationship between the graphic designer and his client, encompassing communication and total understanding. A successful logo is achieved when it is implemented so that:
The logo design establishes an immediate recognition of the company.
The logo design expresses the character or attitude of the company.
The logo brings to the public a sense of familiarity and trust.
The logo becomes your guarantee, as well as that of your products or services.

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