Positioning and accents in Google. The importance of accents in Google indexing.

The use of accents and SEO.

The different statistics of the search engines, indicate that the users of the web pages, in their searches commit spelling mistakes when performing searches on the internet.

For example, music (without accent) is searched 12.5 times more than its accentuated and correct version (music). So in the search of words, and logically in the introduction of these in the web pages they must be written with spelling mistakes to improve the positioning.

The importance accents in Google. Web positioning blog

  • Soccer wins 56 to 1, to Soccer (it is reduced to 32 to 1 if we restrict Spain).
  • Music wins 12.5 to 1, to Music (reduced to 11: 1 in Spain).
  • English wins 20 to 1, to English (only 11: 1 narrowing it to Spain).

But ... Are the results that Google offers in different searches?

Nothing to see, in most cases the results are completely different. For the same search with an accent and without an accent the results are totally different, and the pages indexed as well.

For example, in the case of "music vs. music". In the version without accent missing pages like los40.com, monographs or espaciomusica.com And in addition the wikipedia appears much lower in the version without accentuating.

Those that do appear on both pages of results, for searches on Google or other search engines, are those that have been forced to commit spelling mistakes on their pages to appear higher, in a greater number of searches, and appear at a largest number of users

The most common for web programmers who perform the development of the page and also indexing, among these pages is to include the two versions of the word (with accent, and without accent), both in the title, as in the meta-tags of the HTML code.

I have marked a couple of results in red, and I have also underlined what appears in their meta-tags (meta-description).

Is it necessary to commit spelling mistakes to position yourself on the internet?

The importance accents in Google. Web positioning blog

Not necessarily, but sometimes it is almost bound. Since it influences the position that our pages will be displayed on Google, so it affects their indexing and therefore the results.

The technique that I would follow would be to perform link building, and include in those anchor-text that point to your website the lack of spelling. The lack of spelling is being committed by other websites.

If this were not enough, perhaps we should bet to include it only in the meta-description (and meta-keywords) as these pages do, and at least in this way the spelling mistakes would not be visible on our website so it would not affect to the content of our website, which would avoid spelling mistakes.

Analyzing these two pages that I have set as an example, and specifically musica.aol.com we can see how they have included the word "music" several times (without an accent) at the bottom of the page. NEVER in the rest of the page, nor within the content, but only and exclusively in the meta-tags, and at the bottom of the page.

In addition to including a site-link (I have marked it in red) with the word "Music" without stressing.

The importance accents in Google. Web positioning blog

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