Tips or tricks to position yourself in Google - Tips or tricks search engine optimization

How to position yourself in Google. Appear in the first web positions.

Get Links to get a good web positioning

Tips or tricks to position yourself in Google - Tips or tricks search engine optimization
Getting links is one of the most critical tasks in web positioning in Google. Depending on the number of links we get, we will have greater PageRank or popularity.

You have to be extremely careful with the way we perform the link. Depending on the way the link is made, we will promote some keywords or others.

Also, you have to know where to get links. There are certain websites where it is easier to obtain them, but you almost always have to strive to get them and keep track.

Why do you have to get links for positioning?

Google gives a numerical value to each web page that it inserts in its Database. This numerical value calls it PageRank. The higher the PageRank of a page, the more important Google will have given it.

And this value grows the more websites link to your page (see 'PageRank transmission'). You have to think that each link is for Google as if it were a 'vote'.

In addition, if these websites that link you have a high PageRank, the value will grow more, because the 'vote' is of higher quality.

How can I know the PageRank of a page?

To know this value, you can download the 'Google Toolbar' bar. In it, there is a space to display the PageRank (PR) of each page you visit. This value varies between 0 and 10.

However, you should not focus all your efforts on getting a high PR. The value of the PageRank of a page is important, but you will have noticed that there are pages that, having lower PR, are positioned above others of greater PageRank for certain searches.

This they have achieved - among other things - because they have optimized the content of their pages (see 'where to place the keywords'), because they have made good links (see 'how the links should be') and because they have managed to insert these links on good websites (see 'how to get links').

How should the links be for a good positioning?

Every time you insert a link into your pages or try to make other sites link to yours, you should try to make it the type:

<A href=> Keyword (s) </A>

In this way, Google will interpret that the 'vote' they are granting refers to that key word (s), and will reward you when the user searches for them. That is, the keywords (keywords) must be within the anchor of the link.

This is the system used in the so-called 'Google Bombings', such as that of the Prestige tanker in December 2002, or that of George Bush in December 2003.

Another example of this is if we search on Google for the word 'exit'. We see that in the top positions are Yahoo! or Google This is because in many adult sites, the user is asked if he wants to continue. If you do not want it, you will be taken off the website through the link:

<A href=> EXIT </A>

If you realize, on the Yahoo! the word 'exit' does not appear, but the Google search engine has interpreted that they contain information about this word.

Does Google consider links made with JavaScript?

No. Googlebot - Google's robot - does not interpret JavaScript, therefore it does not follow this links made in this language.

Nor does it follow the links of the type ''. Thus, we will try to make the links they make to us as proposed in 'How should the links be?'

Where can I get them to link me?

Trucos posicionamiento en buscadores
The main site where you can get a link is in the directories. You should try it in DMOZ. It is a public and open directory, and is managed by volunteer editors.

Apart from getting links on, one of the directories with the highest PageRank is Yahoo !. Unlike the former, this is a private company, but its publishers also value the quality of websites before accepting them.

In addition, you should try to contact those responsible or webmasters of other websites similar to yours, to get them to link you.

Do not forget that more and more Google is getting the 'concepts' of each web page (using the technology that serves, for example, to create the 'AdSense' ads) and the links on certain pages have more value if the keywords of the 'link' have a lot to do with the subject addressed.

The ideal place to try to get links would be on websites with a theme similar to yours and with a high PageRank value. Precisely DMOZ categories meet these two requirements.

How can I get to appear in DMOZ?

There are categories whose website has a PageRank of 7 or 8, so getting a link in DMOZ is really valuable. In addition, Google takes it as a reference to build its own directory ''. Do not choose the category with the highest PageRank, but the one that best suits the theme of your website.

But do not think that it is an easy task to appear on, since the editors only include quality websites and that really have to do with the theme of each category.

Browse the DMOZ categories. Find out which one best suits the theme of your website, and click on the 'add URL' link. If you have a website in Spanish, it is best to choose a category within 'World> Spanish'.

You must be patient with your request. They usually take several weeks, but you should not overwhelm the publishers. Anyway, you can contact and discuss with them at ''. If within six months you have not been able to get linked, you should suggest your website again.

You should wait to have the website really ready before suggesting a link to DMOZ people. If you suggest a website 'under construction', they will surely not accept it, and they may not review it the next time you suggest it. Do not rush and do things calmly.

Do they have any type of relationship Google and DMOZ?

No. DMOZ is a project owned by Netscape, which in turn is part of the multinational entertainment 'Time Warner'. DMOZ allows the free reproduction of its directories (with a special license), and Google simply limits itself to collecting its contents since 2000.

Many other sites do the same as Google in their '', and collect a directory of categories on their web pages with the links available to DMOZ.

Google treats these links in the same way as the rest of the links but, when appearing on more websites - due to these 'clones' of DMOZ -, the number of links is multiplied.

How do I get links from other websites?

This is one of the tasks that requires more effort and dedication. You should take a look at all the thematic websites similar to yours, and check on which of them you could get a link.

Of course you are not going to get links from the pages of your competition, but most of those responsible for websites are interested in having information with which to make new web pages.

Do not hesitate to write them an email to inform them about your website, and to publicize its contents. Remember that on the other side there is a person: try to be courteous and friendly. If your website is of quality, it will probably insert a link sooner or later.

As in all marketing campaigns you must be persevering, but without overwhelming. Try to continue to maintain relationships (even if they have not linked you) with the webmasters of other websites, and exchange opinions and information. Expand your entire network of contacts (friends and family, included) to get more links to your website.

Learn from your competition. There is nothing illegal about searching Google for 'link: http: // (shows the so-called' backlinks', the websites that link it to a PR greater than 3 or 4). This way you will know in which sites your links have achieved your competition. You can do the same.

Can links be placed in signature books?

Of course. You can sign in the 'guestbooks' with the link that best suits you, choosing the best words. It's free, and there are signature books from some websites with a really appealing PageRank.

You can also do spam in the weblogs. That is, put personal comments on the news of the blogs, adding a link to your website with the best keywords.

Just add a stupid opinion of the type "I agree with you" or "I love your website!".
But both the one and the other is unethical. In addition to winning the enmity of most webmasters, you can get Google to penalize you one day. In fact, it is already beginning to disregard the links of some websites suspected of hosting links without the consent of its webmaster, such as signature books.

Can you penalize me for linking certain pages?

Yes. Avoid inserting links to websites that you suspect are doing fraudulent practices (either to increase your PageRank, or other types of fraud). It is clear that Google can penalize them, but it can also decrease your PageRank.
Trucos aumento de visitas a la web

Google will not be able to penalize you for the links that your websites receive, since you are not responsible for it. But you are from the links within your website.

Do not link to another website simply because they have inserted a link to yours or because they asked for it. Find out who is asking you for links.

Can you penalize me for having too many broken links?

Check the broken links ('broken links') that may be on your web pages. Many times, we write the links incorrectly and direct visitors to pages that do not exist.

There are also occasions that the pages we point to have ceased to exist.

It is suspected that Google penalizes web pages with excessive broken links.

Imagine that you find a page on Google with information that may interest you, but that most of the links are broken, and lead you to 404 errors ('Page Not Found'). Surely it would not make you very excited to have to go back, and you would blame the webmaster of the website and Google for having that page in the top positions.

Google estimates that what is bad for the user is also bad for Google.

Can you buy links?

One of the bases of the success of Google has been the philosophy of PageRank, which is based on the popularity of a certain web page based on the links it has.

These links have always been made based on the quality of the pages that were linked, so Google is confident that webmasters insert the links following these criteria, and not for having received an amount of money.

Of course, Google will not tolerate anyone charging money for inserting links from their pages thanks to the PageRank achieved, and what they are doing on some occasions is to penalize these websites that insert the links.

In these cases, it does not eliminate them from the results, and it may not reduce your PageRank either, since Google believes that the information it contains may be valuable for some searches. What it simply does is prevent the possibility that these web pages 'transmit' the PageRank. Just don't follow the links from them.

Therefore, if you decide to get links paying for them to a webmaster who has web pages with high PageRank, keep in mind that Google can cancel these links.

Does Google take into account AdWords links?

AdWords is Google’s advertising system, in which the advertiser pays to appear in Google’s results. However, these links are not taken into account for the calculation of PageRank, since Google does not track its own results.

Do not think that Google will reward you with a greater PageRank if you pay for AdWords advertising, or even that you will register your website.

Nor will it follow the links that appear in the 'AdSense' advertising (Google ads that appear on private pages), since they are generated using JavaScript, and Google's robot does not follow this type of links.

I have hundreds of pages on my site, how can I link all of them?

Create a page with links to all of your website. This can be called the 'map' of your website. Google likes these 'maps', because it accesses all pages of the site without having to get lost in all the others. And you can make sure you have all your pages indexed in Google.

If the pages of your website exceed 100, it is better for this 'map' to divide it into several parts. Each of them should contain less than 100 links. Some people suspect that if you have a high number of links on a single page, Google can consider it as a 'link farm', and penalize you.

Do I have to register my website in other search engines to achieve a good positioning?

Of course. Although Google is the search engine par excellence (more than 60% of users use it), it is not the only one. You should also try to get traffic from other search engines.

In addition, Google also indexes many of the directories of these other search engines, which may mean getting more links. They will not have a PageRank as high as Yahoo! or DMOZ, but all links are taken into account.

Check out the following categories of DMOZ. You can find some directories and search engines that may be useful:ñol/Referencia/Buscadores_y_directorios/

Should I use automatic search engine delivery systems?

Trucos posicionamiento en GoogleOur recommendation is that you do not use the automatic systems that promise to register your website in hundreds or thousands of search engines. It is better that you do it personally, because many search engines detect automatic shipments, and dismiss the web pages sent by these methods.

In addition, these automatic systems are designed for a certain time. Most search engines modify the forms and requirements to sign up for them, and automatic systems do not modify it at the same time. It may happen that it simply does not work or that, for example, you do not register in the appropriate category.

Remember that web positioning requires a lot of effort and dedication. Be patient, and do it all personally.

Should I exchange links to increase web positioning?

Having some kind of contact with another webmaster and deciding that "I link you to you and you link me" can be beneficial to increase the PageRank of your web pages (although Google may have a filter to mitigate its importance).

But, nevertheless, you should not abuse this practice (also called 'crosslinking') and much less you should buy or sell these links. Google can detect that most of the links that your website receives come, by chance, from a website that you link to on all your pages. Then it can penalize you.

If you already have enough links to websites of similar themes to yours, you should not have any problem in exchanging links with another website. There are many websites that naturally exchange links.

Anyway, find out who you're going to exchange your links with. Remember that you are responsible for the web pages you link to.

If you are the administrator of several websites, and you want to make links between their pages, be very careful with what you do, and try not to abuse this practice. And, of course, don't turn one of your pages into a 'Link Farm'.

Are internal links taken into account?

For the transmission of PageRank, both internal and external links are taken into account.

Therefore, you should plan the number of links that you direct to pages of your own website, because it will be the PageRank that stays within your website.

You should also study which pages you link to and how you link them (see 'how links should be'). In this way, you can promote a certain page over others (for example, the main one, or another one that at certain time you estimate will generate a significant number of visits).

At no time will a page lose PageRank for making many links outside your website (external links). In any case, and if you do not make any internal link, you will not transmit any PageRank within your site.

But we give you two tips or tricks:

1) Try to make a page you want to position get at least one external link. If Google verifies that all the links it receives are internal, it could estimate that you are performing 'spam' and you could get a penalty on this page.

2) Google likes to make external links outside your website. Of course, try to go to sites that do not commit irregularities (you are responsible for your links) and the text of the 'anchor' should be a series of words with which the page is related (see Google results).

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